There are lots of different patterns to unearth, each telling their own story.

If you’re lucky, you’ll find a useful tool, sniffer egg, or pottery sherd ( not a typo!) Keep searching, because if you find four of them you can put them together to make a pot. So where does one find sniffer eggs? I am so glad you asked, because that is the perfect segue into another new feature – archeology! Dig around in the sand to find buried ruins and use the new brush tool to uncover the treasures in suspicious sand and suspicious gravel blocks. I would recommend an endless cycle of hatching, so you can always look at the adorable snifflet discovering the world while the grown sniffer sniffs out seeds for ancient plants: the torchflower plant and pitcher plant! You really can have it all, and by all, I mean all the sniffers! You can bring it back to the Overworld by finding its eggs, hatching them, and watching your snifflet grow up. Also of the larger variety, the sniffer is a gentle giant that was once extinct. The second mob joining Minecraft in 1.20 is one that the community voted for during Minecraft Live 2022.